
How to buy Medical expenses insurance for foreigners in Colonnade?

To conclude an individual contract, please contact the iExpert Agency

polisaobcokrajowca.pl or +48 570 545 951

To conclude a group or company contract, please contact

Colonnade directly: polandah@colonnade.pl

Medical expenses insurance for foreigners in the Republic of Poland - what is it and how does it work?

Medical expenses of foreigners insurance on the territory of the Republic of Poland is regulated by the Act on Foreigners. When entering the territory of Poland, persons from, among others, outside the European Union and the Schengen Area, should have travel or medical insurance for the amount of EUR 30,000.

For whom is it compulsory?

The Act on Foreigners sets out the conditions and rules for foreigners' entry into, transit through, stay in and departure from the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Insurance of medical expenses of foreigners in the territory of the Republic of Poland does not apply to members of diplomatic missions and consular posts of foreign countries, citizens of European Union Member States, European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Member States or citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Other foreigners, in accordance with Article 25 of the Act on Foreigners, must have a document confirming possession of health insurance within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 27 August 2004 on health care services financed from public funds or possession of travel medical insurance with a minimum insurance amount of EUR 30,000. The cover should be valid for the duration of the foreigner's planned stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland and should cover any expenses that may arise during the stay in that territory and are related to medical care.

The basic coverage of medical expenses for foreigners

- outpatient treatments and examinations
- consultations and doctor's fees
- stay and treatment in hospital
- doctor's travel
- purchase of medicines, dressings, infusion fluids, as well as orthopaedic and auxiliary equipment
- COVID-19: stay and treatment in hospital, medical transport of the insured person, transport to the country of origin, transport of the body
- immediate medical assistance in connection with complications arising from pregnancy up to the 32nd week
- dental treatment (only in an emergency)

The costs of travel assistance services

- 24-hour telephone service of the Assistance Centre without limitation
- medical transport of the insured person
- transportation of the insured person to his/her country of origin without limitation
- transportation of the deceased without limit
- provision of necessary medicines or pharmaceuticals
- transmission of urgent information
- medical advice and referrals unlimited
- direct invoicing without limit
- visa advice, information on vaccinations without limit
- advice on loss of luggage, passport, documents or tickets

Coverage can be extended

Coverage can be extended to include physical work, exacerbation of a chronic illness, accident, death, disability, third-party liability in private life and extension to the Schengen area.
Insurance can be purchased for a period of time of your choice. For example, students usually buy it for the whole year, and blue-collar workers for the duration of their contract in the country. 

How to buy Medical expenses insurance for foreigners in Colonnade?

To conclude an individual contract, please contact the iExpert Agency: polisaobcokrajowca.pl or +48 570 545 951.

To conclude a group or company contract, please contact Colonnade directly: polandah@colonnade.pl.

Minister of Foreign Affairs website information

In connection with the amendment of the Act of 12 December 2020 on foreigners, which came into force on 1 December 2020, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has published on its website information on insurers and the insurance they offer that meets the conditions of the aforementioned Act.

The beneficiaries of the insurance are mainly persons temporarily staying in the territory of the Republic of Poland or in Schengen countries. Most often, the purpose of their stay is study, work or tourism.

Cover not included if

However, persons holding a permanent residence card, persons whose purpose of visit is to receive treatment or medical advice, who professionally or athletically play sports, actively participate in high-risk activities such as parachuting, paragliding, mountain climbing, etc., or women over 32 weeks pregnant will not benefit from the insurance.