Report a claim - AIG
Please find, fill in the appropriate form and send it to us
The completed and signed form can be emailed to us at szkody@colonnade.pl or sent by post to the Colonnade office:
Claim Handling Department
ul. Prosta 67
00-838 Warszawa
After receiving the claim, Colonnade Insurance S.A. Branch in Poland (Insurance Company) begins the process of its verification. In case of a complete application, the Insurance Company provides a decision immediately, not later than within 30 days from the receipt of the claim.
In case it is not possible to provide a decision within the above deadline, the Insurance Company shall immediately inform the insured person about the obligation to complete a claim or provide explanations necessary to verify a claim. In this case, the Insurance Company shall issue a decision within 14 days from receiving the last missing document/information.
Required documents and useful contacts
Find the right insurance, read useful information and find out what documents are required when filing a claim.
Individual client
Claim form personal accident
For this application, please enclose:
- a copy of medical documentation related to the accident
- police raports and results of the study for the presence of alcohol in Insured's blood (if it was carried out)
If the claim relates to the death of the Insured, please attach:
- medical documentation stating cause of death
- prosecutor's report
- result of post-mortem examination (if it was carried out)
- declaration of the beneficiary
- copy of the marriage certificate or copy of birth certificate (if the beneficiary is a spouse or offspring of the Insured)
- notarized copy of the beneficiary's ID card
- the death certificate (the original or a notarized copy
Send us the completed form travelowe@colonnade.pl
Claim notification medical expenses individual travel
For this application, please enclose:
- original receipts for costs incurred medical expenses
- copy of medical documentation
Send us the completed form szkodypodrozne@colonnade.pl
Claim form trip or baggage delay individual travel
For this application, please enclose:
- a copy of the ticket for the trip, during which there was a delay (the document must include the total price of the ticket)
- original receipts for any costs / lost items
- confirmation of the delay received from the airline (confirmation must include information on the number of hours of delay)
Send us the completed form szkodypodrozne@colonnade.pl
Missing documents regarding personal accident claim can be emailed to: travelowe@colonnade.pl or sent by post to the following address:
Colonnade Insurance S.A.
Branch in Poland
ul. Prosta 67
00-838 Warszawa
Missing documents regarding other claims can be sent by e-mail to: szkodypodrozne@colonnade.pl or by post to the above address.
Information regarding status of the personal accident claim can be obtained from the Claim Handling Department:
- by e-mail to travelowe@colonnade.pl
- by telephone on +48 22 528 51 00, Mon.-Thu. 9.00a.m.-5.00p.m., Fri. 9.00a.m.-4.00p.m.
Information regarding status of the trip / baggage delay or medical expenses claim can be obtained by sending e-mail szkodypodrozne@colonnade.pl or by calling Assistance Center on + 48 22 483 39 70.
Send us the completed form by e-mail szkody@colonnade.pl or by post to the following address:
Colonnade Insurance S.A.
Branch in Poland
ul. Prosta 67
00-838 Warszawa
Information regarding status of the claim can be obtained from the Claim Handling Department:
- by e-mail to szkody@colonnade.pl
- by telephone on +48 22 528 51 00, Mon.-Thu. 9.00a.m.-5.00p.m., Fri. 9.00a.m.-4.00p.m.
Claim form
downloadTo report a claim, please contact us via telephone: +48 22 528 51 00, Mon.-Thu. 9.00a.m.-5.00p.m, Fri. 9.00a.m.-4.00p.m.
Claim form personal accident group
For this application, please enclose:
- copy of medical documentation related to the accident
- police raports and results of the study for the presence of alcohol in Insured's blood (if it was carried out)
If the claim relates to the death of the Insured, please attach:
- medical documentation stating cause of death
- prosecutor's report
- result of post-mortem examination (if it was carried out)
- declaration of the beneficiary
- copy of the marriage certificate or copy of birth certificate (if the beneficiary is a spouse or offspring of the Insured)
- notarized copy of the beneficiary's ID card
- the death certificate (the original or a notarized copy)
Send us the completed form by e-mail szkody@colonnade.pl or by post to the following address:
Colonnade Insurance S.A.
Branch in Poland
ul. Prosta 67
00-838 Warszawa
Information regarding status of the claim can be obtained from the Claim Handling Department:
- by e-mail to szkody@colonnade.pl
- by telephone on +48 22 528 51 00, Mon.-Thu. 9.00a.m.-5.00p.m., Fri. 9.00a.m.-4.00p.m.